Solve the quantum control problem! Intel announces quantum computer chip

Although quantum computers are not a daily tool at the moment, technology companies including Intel, Google, IBM and Microsoft have shown great interest. On Monday local time, Intel announced the launch of a chip called "Horse Ridge" to solve the problem of wire connection for quantum computers.

With the advent of the 5G and IoT era, how to improve efficiency in the data flood has become an urgent issue. But because of this, quantum computing has given tech giants hope. Earlier, Google demonstrated the superiority of quantum computers over traditional architecture computers in experiments: In the world's first supercomputing summit, which required 10,000 years of computing, Google's quantum computer took only 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

However, since quantum computers use qubits instead of traditional bits for calculations, it is important to note that qubits must remain very cold, that is, close to the temperature at which atoms stop moving. Therefore, to solve the problem of qubit cooling, quantum computers need to be placed in special refrigerators, but the wires and additional equipment connected to the quantum computers must be placed outside the refrigerator. In other words, the problem of connecting the quantum computer to the wiring is still a problem.

According to Reuters, Intel said that "Horse Ridge" chips could replace the existence of connecting wires and complete all related work. At the same time, the chip product is only the size of a tea cup and saucer, which can be placed in a quantum refrigerator.

It is reported that the chip is named after one of the coldest regions in Oregon.

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