EPC9205 GaN Power Module

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EPC9205 GaN Power Module

EPC's EPC9205 GaN power module is designed for high-performance servers

EPC’s EPC9205 is an 80 V, 10 A PCB-based power module featuring the 100 V EPC2045 eGaN® FET for plug-and-play evaluation of the high performance gained with gallium nitride power integrated circuits.

The EPC9205 exceeds 1,400 W/in3 in a 48 V to 12 V application and occupies less than one-tenth of a cubic inch of board space.

Features Applications
  • 80 V, 10 A PCB-based power module
  • 1 MHz switching frequency
  • Power density > 1,400 W/in3
  • 100 V EPC2045 eGaN FET with the uPI Semiconductor uP1966A gate driver
  • High-performance servers
    • Multi-user gaming systems
    • Autonomous cars
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Cryptocurrency mining

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