LM358 Dual Operational Amplifier Comprehensive Guide: Pinouts, Circuit Diagrams, Equivalents, Useful Examples
2023-12-07 15911


The LM358 chip is a versatile solution for applications where there is no strict requirement for high speed, power consumption, and non-standard supply voltages. Its straightforward switching circuitry is well-suited for most popular devices, offering the benefits of low cost and the elimination of additional frequency compensation components. With the ability to operate on standard supply voltages (up to +32 V) and low current consumption, it is a top choice for electronic projects utilizing operational amplifiers.In this technical article, we will take a comprehensive look at the LM358 Dual Operational Amplifier, covering its equivalents, datasheet, pinouts, circuit diagrams and other key details.

What is the LM358?


Figure 1: LM358

The LM358 operational amplifier is a low-power dual operational amplifier composed of two independent high-gain, internally frequency-compensated operational amplifiers. It is designed for a wide range of single-supply voltages and is also capable of dual-supply operation. Under recommended operating conditions, the supply current is independent of the supply voltage.

The LM358 operational amplifier features low power consumption and an extended common-mode input voltage range to ground/VEE, suitable for both single and dual-supply operations. Compared to standard operational amplifier types in single-supply applications, it offers several distinct advantages.

This amplifier is capable of operating with supply voltages as low as 3.0 V or as high as 32 V. The common-mode input range includes the negative supply, eliminating the need for external biasing components in many applications. Additionally, the output voltage range also includes the negative supply voltage.

LM358 Pin Arrangement

The LM 358 has a total of 8 pins, each with a different individual function, and the LM 358 pinout is shown below:

LM358 Pinout

Figure 2: LM358 Pinout

Pin Description:

This pin is the output of first operational amplifier
This pin is the inverting input of first op-amp
This pin is the non-inverting input of first op-amp
This pin is the non-inverting input of first op-amp
This ground or negative supply to op-amp
This pin is the non-inverting input of second op-amp
This pin is the output of the second op-amp
This pin is the positive voltage supply to both op-amp

Working Principle of LM358

In the LM358, pin 8 plays a crucial role as the main power supply input. When used as a comparator, the LM358 can handle a wide input voltage range from 3V up to 32V. However, when functioning as an operational amplifier, this range should be maintained between ±1.5V to ±16V.

The LM358 is equipped with two operational amplifiers, identified as A and B in the pin diagram. Amplifier A receives signals through pins 2 and 3 and outputs the result at pin 1. Amplifier B, on the other hand, accepts input through pins 5 and 6, with its output appearing at pin 7.

To compare two models, one signal can be connected to pin 2 and another to pin 3. The voltage at pin 3 is then used to evaluate the voltage at pin 2. Similarly, the voltage at pin 6 is compared to pin 5, resulting in two independent outputs: Output A and Output B.

When the voltage at the non-inverting input A(+) on pin 3 exceeds the inverting input A(-) on pin 2, operational amplifier A outputs a high level. A similar logic applies to Amplifier B: if the voltage at the non-inverting input B(+) on pin 5 is higher than the inverting input B(-) on pin 6, the output is also high.

Conversely, if the voltage at the non-inverting input A(+) on pin 3 is lower than the inverting input A(-) on pin 2, the output of operational amplifier A will be low. Similarly, when the voltage at the non-inverting input B(+) on pin 5 is lower than that on pin 6, the output of operational amplifier B will drop to a low state.

It is especially noteworthy that the LM358's output can function properly without the need for additional pull-up resistors.

LM358 Circuit Diagram and Application Circuit

LM358 circuit diagram:

LM358 Circuit Diagram

Figure 3: LM358 Circuit Diagram

Application Circuitry:

Dark Sensor Circuit Based on LM358 IC

This dark sensor circuit using the LM358 IC is designed to test photoresistors, photodiodes, and phototransistors. However, you will need to replace the photodiode and phototransistor in place of the LDR. The dark sensor circuit with LDR and LM358 IC is as shown below. The components required to build the following circuit are an LDR, LM358 IC, 9V battery, resistors R1-330R, R2-1K, R3-10K, variable resistor VR1-10K, and transistor Q1-C547.

LM358 Application Circuit 1

Figure 4: LM358 Application Circuit 1

Circuit Description:

In the simple dark sensor circuit below, if you block the light falling on the light-dependent resistor, the LM358 IC will instantly illuminate the LED.

When a photodiode is placed in the position of the LDR, it operates immediately. Depending on the intensity of the room light, you need to adjust the variable resistor to set the sensitivity of the circuit.

When a phototransistor is placed in the position of the LDR, it operates immediately. Depending on the intensity of the room light, you need to adjust the variable resistor to set the sensitivity of the circuit.

Impact Alarm Circuit Based on LM358 Integrated Circuit

The following circuit is a vibration alarm circuit used for homes and cars. This circuit is mainly applied in car anti-theft alarms. In this circuit, a piezoelectric sensor is used, which must be fixed to the door that you want to protect. Here, the LM358 is connected as an inverting Schmitt trigger. The threshold voltage of the circuit can be set through port 1. Resistor R1 is used as a feedback resistor.

LM358 Application Circuit 2

Figure 5: LM358 Application Circuit 2

Circuit Diagram Description:

When the piezoelectric sensor is not activated, the sensor's output will be low. When the piezoelectric sensor is triggered, the sensor's output goes high and activates the Schmitt trigger. Then it emits the sound of the buzzer. Even if the vibration is isolated, the buzzer sound can sometimes alert to the buzzing sound. This is because, when the inverting input increases, the effect is minimal when the LM358 integrated circuit is activated, and the state is not easily reversed.

How to Use LM358

The LM358's inclusion scheme is indistinguishable from traditional operational amplifier circuits when considering various parameters, but it offers two key features:

It has two operational amplifiers.

It operates on a single power supply.

Let's look at two usage examples.

LM358 Circuit Example 1

Figure 6: LM358 Circuit Example 1

The first circuit is a positive polarity sample voltage source circuit, whose output level can be set independently. The standard circuit uses a 2.5-volt MC1403 integrated stabilizer. In practice, any reference voltage source with an output level of Ui (such as a TL431 parameter voltage regulator) can be used. At the same time, a voltage not less than Ui can be set at the output of the operational amplifier based on the ratio VO = Ui(+R1/R2).

LM358 Circuit Example 2

Figure 7: LM358 Circuit Example 2

The second example is a sine wave generator with a Wien bridge as feedback. This oscillator is characterized by good sine wave shape and frequency stability. The oscillation period is defined by the components (resistors and capacitors) that constitute the Wien bridge. The diagram shows the rated values for passive components at a frequency of 1 kHz; for other frequencies, the parameters need to be recalculated.

Furthermore, on the LM358, you can create a differential amplifier with high input impedance. The output voltage depends on the voltage difference between the inputs. The output level can be adjusted by the negative feedback resistor of the input amplifier and the resistor between its output and the input of the differential terminal amplifier.

LM358 Circuit Example 3

Figure 8: LM358 Circuit Example 3

Features and Specifications of the LM358

LM358 Features:

Internal frequency compensation

High DC voltage gain (approximately 100dB)

Unity-gain bandwidth (approximately 1MHz)

Wide power supply range: Single supply (3-30V); Dual supply (±1.5 to ±15V)

Low power consumption current, suitable for battery-powered applications

Low input bias current

Low input offset voltage and offset current

Wide common-mode input voltage range, including ground

Wide differential input voltage range, equal to the power supply voltage range

Large output voltage swing (0 to Vcc-1.5V)

LM358 Specifications:

Single supply: 3V to 32V

Dual supply: ±1.5 to ±16V

Current consumption: 0.7 mA

Input offset voltage: 3 mV

Differential input voltage: 32V

Common-mode input current: 20nA

Input bias current: 2nA

Voltage differential gain: 100 dB

Output voltage peak-to-peak: 0V to VCC - 1.5V

Total harmonic distortion: 0.02%

Maximum output voltage slew rate: 0.6V/µs

Unity-gain frequency (temperature compensated): 1.0 MHZ

Maximum power dissipation: 830mW

Operating temperature range: 0...70 °C

Applications of LM358

Pulse and oscillating generators (for beacon-type devices);

Power supplies and chargers;

Split systems for indoor and outdoor use;


Home appliances;

Symmetrical amplifiers;

Bridge current amplifiers;

Engine control circuits;

Uninterruptible power supplies;

Refrigeration units, dishwashers, and washing machines;

Various types of inverters;

Controllers, and more.

LM358 Equivalent

The LM358 comes with a large number of similar operational amplifiers. For example, the LM158, LM258, and LM2409 have similar characteristics but different temperature ranges.

Minimum temperature, °C
Maximum temperature, °C
Supply voltage range, V
LM158 Series
From 3 (±1..5) to 32 (±16)
LM258 Series
From 3 (±1..5) to 32 (±16)
LM358 Series
From 3 (±1..5) to 32 (±16)
LM358 Series
From 3 (±1..5) to 26 (±13)

If the 0..70 degree range is not enough, it is worthwhile to use the LM2409, but it should be taken into account that it has a lower power range:

By the way, if you need only one op-amp in a compact 5-pin SOT23-5 package, use the LM321, LMV321 (analogs of the AD8541, OP191, OPA337). Conversely, if you need a large number of op amps placed side-by-side, use the four-channel LM14 in a 324-pin package. save space and capacitors in the power supply circuit.

LM358 Package and Dimensions

The LM358 operational amplifiers are available in a variety of package types to suit different applications and assembly requirements. Common package types include: DSBGA, PDIP, TO-CAN, and SOT-25(5). Refer to the table below for more relevant details.

LM358 IC Package
Dual Grid Array(8)

LM358 Size and Package

Figure 9: LM358 Size and Package

LM358 Data Sheet

Download the IC 4017 PDF datasheet here: LM358 (Texas Instruments)

This is the whole content of this article, I hope it can help your life and work, if you have questions, welcome to visit ARIAT TECH, you can learn more about operational amplifiers here.

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